
Internet and Mobile Users in Saudi Arabia KSA
The Saudi market is one of the leading Middle East countries in the adoption of new internet and mobile technologies. Ethos made a quick study on the sources that show the right number of internet users in Saudi Arabia. First […]

Facebook Or Google: Who Will Win the Customer Engagement Battle?
Via – Social Media Ethos

Citibank Moves Boldly Into The Tablet Banking Market
Via – Mobile EthosHotcakes, you’ve got some competition: the phrase “selling like tablets” might soon enter the global lexicon. And it’s not all hype – though there is a fair bit of that as well. Tablet users in the […]

Beneath the Surface: How Microsoft is missing the boat on tabletop computing
Microsoft’s Surface computer is brilliantly intuitive to use, unique, and available right now. But will Microsoft let its early lead in tabletop computing slip away as it has with so many other opportunities? I spent a good chunk of last […]

The State of Social Media and Social Media Marketing in 2012
Via – Social Media Ethos Social media is a source of endless discussion. With the advent of new tools and / or platforms every day, keep up has become a challenge. But some among the many are the undisputed […]

Gamification: Motivation and Engagement
Via – Digital Creative Ethos What’s Game Good For? Before we can talk about applying game mechanics to anything, we need to understand what a game actually us. The Oxford English Dictionary defines a game as “a form or […]

Demo: Elastic Videos
Via – Web Development EthosResize your browser window to see the elastic videos. Via

CoolCarousels – Showcasing 28 cool carousel examples
Via – Web Development Ethos A website showcasing cool carousel examples all created with jQuery and the jQuery.carouFredSel plugin.

VW Digital App Starts With Enthusiasts
Via – Digital Creative EthosVolkswagen is launching an iPad app called “Golf R Drivers Forever,” touting the most powerful out-of-the-box car it makes. The app's launch is timed with the arrival this month of the sixth-generation Golf R factory-revved […]